Global progressive policing

Essex PFCC Roger Hirst on the importance of resources and funding

PCCs in focus

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Roger Hirst, the re-elected Essex Police, Fire, and Crime Commissioner, discusses his plans for his new term of office.

He highlights the importance of delivering results and reducing crime, with a goal of a 40% decrease in crime over the next four years.

Hirst emphasizes the need for resources, funding, and improved capabilities for the police force. He also discusses the collaborative approach taken with the government and the evidence-led approach to finance.

Roger believes in the effectiveness of the police and crime commissioner model and the importance of local governance in policing.

  • The focus of the new term is on delivering results and reducing crime.
  • Resources, funding, and improved capabilities are crucial for achieving these goals.
  • A collaborative approach with the government and an evidence-led approach to finance are key strategies.
  • The Police and Crime Commissioner model has been effective in local governance of policing.

Sound Bites

  • “This term is about making that get traction in our communities. And that means that we, I want to see crime actually come down.”
  • “My ambition is to see crime come down by about 40%. I think we have the resources for that.”
  • “We need to have police out there being visible, being tangible and making a difference in getting crime down.”


  • 00:00 Introduction and Housekeeping
  • 01:07 Reflections on Re-election Campaign
  • 06:02 Limited Funding and APCC Role
  • 09:33 Technology and Evidence-Led Finance
  • 11:32 Collaborative Approach and Local Governance

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