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Blue Light Orchestra Concert: Improving wellbeing in the emergency services through music

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The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra (BLSO) is a registered charity founded by Seb Valentine, a serving detective and musician.

The BLSO aims to improve the wellbeing of emergency services workers through music and music therapy.

They are seeking sponsors for their upcoming concert in October, which will feature Mozart’s Piano Concerto, Beethoven’s Egmont Overture, and Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony.

The concert will be attended by emergency service workers, chief constables, and senior leaders from fire and ambulance services. Sponsors can support the event through the VIP reception, advertising in the program, and donating prizes for a raffle.

The funds raised will be used to create events and improve wellbeing in the emergency services through music.

Keywords Blue Light Symphony Orchestra, charity, emergency services, music, music therapy, sponsors, concert, mental wellbeing, VIP reception, advertising, raffle, fundraising


  • The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra aims to improve the wellbeing of emergency services workers through music and music therapy. • They are seeking sponsors for their upcoming concert in October.
  • Sponsors can support the event through the VIP reception, advertising in the program, and donating prizes for a raffle.
  • The funds raised will be used to create events and improve wellbeing in the emergency services through music.

Sound Bites

“This is a great opportunity for you or somebody you know to associate your brand with improving mental wellbeing and emergency services, compassion, great music, everybody coming together and having a great time at our concert.”

“So if you are interested or you know somebody who is interested then please email us.”


00:00. Introduction to the Blue Light Symphony Orchestra

01:00. Sponsorship Opportunities for the Concert

03:44. Details of the Concert Program

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