Global progressive policing

‘Behavioural science, leadership and the high-performance organisation’

Global Collaboration of Evidence Based Policing

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A Production of the Global Collaboration of Evidence Based Policing in conjunction with PolicingTV


In October 2022 the Global Collaboration of Evidence Based Policing broadcast a fully live studio-quality 24- hour continuous conference out of two hubs – Christchurch, New Zealand and London, United Kingdom.

The conference brought together world-leading criminologists from across the globe, academic thinkers, and police professionals from dozens of agencies, to look at the role that evidence, its legitimacy, and policing leadership have in everyday policing – shaping “exceptional” policing, the evidence-based way.

The Global Collaboration of Evidence Based Policing has now teamed-up with PolicingTV to bring the best of the conference material to a wider audience.

‘Behavioural science, leadership and the high-performance organisation’

Dr David Halpern

CEO, Behavioural Insights Team

Session sponsored by MOPAC

Professor David Halpern CBE, President and Founding Director of the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) shares his unique insights into the world of behavioural insights, stressing the importance of Daniel Kahneman’s work on ‘Thinking, Fast and and Slow’ and the critical importance of context when making judgements. He provides three examples of successful BIT work – from Chile (intimate partner violence), France (tackling fraud) and the UK (the first public airing of a new BIT inspired approach to tackle speeding). 

Followed by a wide range of valuable insights into improving organisational management and leadership using learnings from the behavioural insights approach (pizza, it turns out, provides almost the perfect incentive), Dr Halpern concludes by stressing that only 8% of government spend on major projects had robust evaluation plans in place. Following his presentation, Dr Halpern answers a number of audience questions, and provides a range of additional insights including around leadership, creating incentives, psychological safety, building evidence and experimentation into organisational design, and provides further details of the type of global work BIT are involved in. 

Listen to Dr Halpern if you want to learn more about the importance of using evidence, insights and evaluation to drive and sustain organisational transformation. 

Further information on the work of the Behavioural Insights Team can be found online:

The Behavioural Insights Team

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