This weeks highlights covers a range of topics from “how Ignorance is managed” to Tech in Dubai and the first of the Policing Tech Forum’s webinars into Interoperability.
Our first clip delved into the complexities of organizational behaviour within policing, focusing on how ignorance is produced and perpetuated in organizations.
Scarlett Haig interviewed Professor of Organisational Behaviour Mark Fenton-O’Creevy on his recently published paper in the journal of Policing his fascinating focus “how does ignorance get produced used and reproduced in an organisation.” They highlighted the importance of addressing bad behaviour and the role of technology in enhancing policing practices. The discussion also touches on global perspectives and the need for interoperability in policing technology. Mark authored this article with Benjamin Bowles, Linda Maguire, and Emma Williams.
The article is available here.
Amongst other things the session explored from a digital perspective how 40 of the 43 forces in England and Wales are now utilising the common web platform Single Online Home and are now utilising more effective ways of transferring data around the back end systems to improve productivity. In this clip we hear from DCC Simon Megicks on his thoughts as to some of the reasons Single Online Home has succeeded
- How does ignorance get produced, used and reproduced in an organization?
- Many good people end up failing to notice bad behavior.
- This way of thinking resonated with many in the workshop.
- We’re here to keep people safe.
- Good tech makes life easier for officers.
- We need tech that makes sense to us.
- We want it at this particular price point.
- Strong relationships with tech companies are essential.
- How do we deliver better services?
- Policing faces legitimacy problems.
00:00 – Exploring Organizational Ignorance in Policing
04:46 – Global Perspectives on Policing Technology
06:33 – Interoperability and Technology in Policing
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