Global progressive policing

From silos to common purpose: How to reimagine collaboration between public safety organizations and beyond

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Last Week Policing TV was excited to host the start of a new partner webinar series for 2024.

In this first webinar, Hexagon looked at how to Improve real-time response to large-scale events, and natural disasters.

To save lives and better serve the public, police forces need to receive and share information with internal teams, partners, neighboring agencies and their communities as quickly and efficiently as possible.

A global pandemic, social unrest and tightening budgets have exacerbated this need, making it vital for forces to adapt now.

Thus in this webinar Hexagon’s Klaus Dalgaard showed how to improve collaboration and how real-time data sharing can help police forces.

Think of the last traffic accident you worked on. Imagine coordinating to secure and manage a large festival. What would happen in the event of a terrorist attack?

The common thread in each of these scenarios? They all require responses and cooperation from multiple agencies and organisations. Responding to day-to-day incidents and planning for large-scale events means working with a range of teams – from emergency services to transportation companies, public services and more.

But collaboration isn’t always easy thanks to siloed data management, limited interoperability of critical systems and multiple communications channels.

Getting up-to-date information and sharing it among stakeholders is complicated. So, what’s the answer?

In this free webinar, Klaus Dalgaard from Hexagon shared how police forces could improve collaboration and real-time data sharing with multiple agencies. From chief inspectors to control room supervisors, the webinar could help leaders understand how to solve some of the pressing emergency response challenges of today and prepare their forces for tomorrow such as; Achieve greater situational awareness Increase resource efficiency Enhance communication and coordination Optimise response Automate a common audit trail of decisions and actions facilitate change in today’s working practises.

This video is an edited summary – if you would like to know more or receive a copy of the full presentation just email :


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