Global progressive policing

ANZPAA Chief Exec Dr Tracey Green announces the ‘Power of Partnerships’ theme for this year’s ANZPAA Conference

ANZPAA Police Conferences

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Hosted by the Police Commissioners from across Australia and New Zealand, the annual ANZPAA Conference is a key event in the global policing calendar. 

Dr Tracey Green is the Chief Executive of ANZPAA, or – to give it its full title – the Australia New Zealand Police Advisory Agency. In this short video recorded with Policing Insight and PolicingTV’s Founder and Publisher, she tells us a little more about how the conference planning is going; she announces the theme for the conference, which is to be “Power of Partnerships”; and invites PolicingTV viewers and Policing Insight readers to get involved.

ANZPAA and Tracey are keen to ensure that policing’s international best practice is shared at the conference, and would welcome prospective speakers and contributors getting in touch, from across the world. She shares relevant contact details during the video. 

This year’s ANZPAA Conference, also known as #PC23, will take place in Melbourne, Australia, from Thursday, 9th to Friday, 10th November.

PolicingTV and Policing Insight are delighted to continue as the exclusive Global Media Partner for this fantastic event.

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