Global progressive policing

CC Chris Noble: Improving Staffordshire Police control room and contact management

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This second conversation with Staffordshire’s Chief Constable Chris Noble focuses on the improvements made in the force control room and contact centre of the police service in Staffordshire.

The key themes include leadership, technology, performance, staff engagement, and continuous improvement. The conversation highlights the challenges faced by the contact centre and the efforts made to enhance service delivery. The plans for the future include implementing IT solutions, improving call quality, and focusing on recruitment and retention. The conversation emphasizes the importance of listening to staff, clear leadership, and learning from other forces to drive improvement.


  • Leadership is crucial in driving improvements in the force control room and contact centre.
  • Technology plays a significant role in enhancing service delivery.
  • Performance measurement and quality assurance are important for monitoring and improving call handling.
  • Tackling fail demand and focusing on value demand are key priorities.
  • Recruitment and retention of staff are essential for maintaining a high level of service.
  • Learning from other forces and external organizations can provide valuable insights and ideas for improvement.

Sound Bites

  • “The X factor is always around leadership, really engaged leadership.”
  • “Managing that out of those difficulties is really difficult to overcome.”
  • “We are responding to our nines in a considerably better way, a faster way than we ever were before.”


00:00. Introduction to the Force Control Room and Contact Centre
02:16. The Role of Leadership in Driving Improvements
03:16. Challenges and Journey of Improvement
04:54. Improving Response Time and Service Delivery
06:57. Tackling Fail Demand and Value Demand
08:21. Staff Engagement and Continuous Improvement
11:04. Leadership, Plans for the Future, and Conclusion

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