Global progressive policing

CC Chris Noble: The future of policing in Staffordshire (Part 1)

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This first conversation between Bernard Rix from PTV and Chief Constable Chris Noble focused on the future of policing in Staffordshire, particularly in the busy area of Hanley.

The challenges faced by the police in this area include volume crime, domestic abuse, and children in care. He discussed how the future of policing in times of austerity and complex demand involves working more effectively with local authorities and health organizations.

The conversation also highlighted the importance of partnerships, both internal within the police force and external with organizations like the fire service. The joint fire and police building in Hanley is an example of successful collaboration and shared services.


  • The future of policing in Staffordshire involves working more effectively with local authorities and health organizations.
  • Partnerships, both internal and external, are crucial for successful policing.
  • The joint fire and police building in Hanley is an example of successful collaboration and shared services.
  • The challenges faced by the police in Hanley include volume crime, domestic abuse, and children in care.

 Sound Bites

  • “One of the key areas for me looking into the future is about how policing works more effectively in times of austerity and in times of very complex demand.”
  • “A key partnership in policing is how do you get the different parts of the policing family who should be comfortable with their specialisms to work together and collaboratively.”
  • “Ambition in Staffordshire is not just to no longer be seen as inadequate. Staffordshire’s got a really proud past.”


00:00. Introduction and Setting

01:36. The Future of Policing in Staffordshire

05:24 The Importance of Partnerships in Policing

07:21 Bringing Staffordshire Police out of Special Measures

09:16 Ambitions for Staffordshire Police

12:59 Successful Collaboration in the Joint Fire and Police Building

14:24 Cultural Differences and Shared Services


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