Global progressive policing

Blue Light Orchestra and Mahler’s Symphony No. 5

Policing people

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The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra, founded by Seb Valentine, brings together musicians from emergency services to play music. In this video Seb takes us behind the scenes at rehearsals and explains how the orchestra is split into different sections, similar to different disciplines in policing.

The conductor, Seb, takes us on a tour of the orchestra, introducing the upper strings, lower strings, woodwind section, brass section, and horn section. Members of the orchestra share their experiences and the joy of playing music together. All are excited to be playing Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 and appreciate the opportunity to be part of such a large symphony orchestra.

For more music visit our Youtube channel. Blue Light Orchestra  

To find out more visit Blue Light Symphony 



  • The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra brings together musicians from emergency services to play music.
  • The orchestra is split into different sections, similar to different disciplines in policing.
  • Members of the orchestra enjoy playing together and appreciate the opportunity to be part of a large symphony orchestra.
  • All are excited to be playing Mahler’s Symphony No. 5.

Sound Bites

  • “I’m a police officer from my… police officer myself but before I joined the police I went to music college Royal College of Music and I studied singing there so I started as a musician”
  • “Just like in any policing operation, we’ve got different disciplines coming together like search officers, forensics, public order officers, investigators. They all practice separately to get really good at what they do.”
  • “I’m Carl Webster, I’m a Derbyshire serving police officer and yes I’ve made the trip down for this weekend. It’s the second time I’ve been and I play the trumpet.”


00:00 Introduction to the Blue Light Symphony Orchestra
02:22 Exploring the Orchestra Sections
05:32 Member Spotlight: Carl Webster
06:50 Member Spotlight: Sally Benatar
08:22 Member Spotlight: Gillian
10:44 Excitement for Mahler’s Symphony No. 5

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