Global progressive policing

National Vetting Symposium 2024
(Ended 15th May 2024)


14th May 2024 to 15th May 2024

National Vetting Symposium 2024

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Navigating Vetting Change: Legitimacy, Accountability; Developing Excellence and consistency in Police Vetting Practices

14-15 May, Crowne Plaza, Stratford upon Avon, UK

Police Vetting continues to be in the spotlight, and in particular in light of the recent publication of the Angiolini Inquiry Report. A significant amount of work has taken place over the last 12 months across Vetting and Professional Standards departments to address the recommendations made in the 2022 HMICFRS inspection of vetting, misconduct, and misogyny in the police service, in order to restore the trust and confidence in policing. However there is more to be done. The aim of this symposium is to bring together stakeholders, practitioners, subject matter experts, and policymakers to explore and discuss how we can continue to forge trust, uphold standards and shape the future of Police Vetting.


The symposium will focus on the following key themes:

  1. Understanding the challenges of restoring public confidence in policing.
  2. Examining the challenges and complexities of the police vetting process.
  3. Reviewing the current framework and processes of police vetting in the UK and identifying areas for improvement.
  4. Highlighting the impact of public perception of police vetting on trust, confidence and legitimacy in the police service.
  5. Identifying best practices and effective strategies for enhancing trust, confidence and legitimacy in the police vetting process.

We will bring together keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, with opportunities for Q&A, group discussions and networking, to generate practical and actionable activities to effectively navigate vetting change and develop excellence and consistency in Police Vetting Practices.



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