APLEPH2025 – Australasian and the Pacific Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health
30th Nov 2025 to 3rd Dec 2025
The conference is being co-hosted by the University of NSW and the Global LEPH Association and will be held in late November and early December 2025 at the NSW Teachers’ Federation Conference Centre in Sydney.
Aims of the Conference:
LEPH Conference Programs are heavily weighted towards promoting collaborative action in addressing the widest range of complex societal and behavioural issues – in practice, research, policy development and in the integration of these three elements. We bring together multiple sectors:
- policing at operational, management and policy levels;
- public prosecutors, coroners and other criminal justice players;
- public health practitioners across the widest range of disciplines;
- academics and researchers from public health, criminology, policing studies and other relevant disciplines;
- government, especially local government; and
- most importantly, communities, especially those affected by the relevant issues.
Across the broadest range of issues that connect public health to public safety, the LEPH2025 conference aims to:
- Foster tangible collaborations between the sectors of law enforcement, public health and communities
- Ensure that law enforcement and public health missions are driven by the needs, values and concerns of the people they serve
- Redistribute responsibilities across systems in furtherance of community safety and wellbeing
- Bring a lens focused on racial, ethnic, socioeconomic and gender equity to both public health and law enforcement systems
Marginalisation is an enemy of security and health: inclusive policing and public health partnerships to overcome marginalisation are key. Extra weight will be given to proposals and abstracts that consider equity or are viewed through an equity lens – especially with regard to:
- Indigenous/First nations communities
- Black/racialized minorities
- People with lived experience
- Relevance to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Presentations on addressing and overcoming ethnic disparities in access to health and involvement with criminal justice are especially sought.
We aim to build a program that presents the latest research findings and understanding of the key issues, but equally shares experiences of innovative attempts to address these issues and what has been learned from them.
The issues addressed by the conference cover an enormous range: key themes at each conference include law enforcement and mental health, violence prevention (especially domestic and gender-based), trauma-informed practice, policing and public health approaches to illicit drugs, alcohol and other drugs, physical trauma and injury prevention (including road trauma), crises and catastrophes, epidemic disease, and health and wellbeing of police and other first responders: but the emphasis and interpretation vary in each conference, with location and current priorities.
Major conference themes will be highlighted soon; but key issues for the APLEPH 2025 conference will include a major emphasis on decolonising and decriminalizing public health, on lessons learned about policing and pandemics, and on climate change and policing.