Global progressive policing

2024 Cyber Security Summit


19th Sep 2024 to 19th Sep 2024

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Thursday 19th September – Plexal, Here East, London, UK

The fourteenth Cityforum Cyber Security Summit is planned for the period after the British, French and European elections and just before the American vote.

The agenda will include the most accurate possible evaluation of how insular and nationalist the world is becoming, and is inviting major figures to speaker about what follows. How countries should act singly, in alliance and where possible work with opponents are three important aspects of this discussion. The afternoon focuses on security as threats multiply and, on the ability to recover when opponents strike.


The working agenda can be viewed here: Cyber – working website agenda as at 12.08.2024

Main themes for the day are:

Are we living in an increasingly insular and nationalistic world?

  • Exploring the public opinion
  • An evaluation from abroad

What follows from this?

  • Challenges to the agencies
  • Facing up to future threats
  • Resourcing and delivering robustness
  • The right decisions and the extent of commitment
  • Can we work with opponents?

What could destroy us? What are the priorities for protection? How can we get ahead of the game?

  • Acting against complex digital threats
  • Space and security
  • Infrastructure threats
  • Delivering protection of what is vital
  • What does the Tallinn Mechanism tell us about building cyber civilian capability
  • Supply chain threats
  • Filling the capability and skills gaps
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